The Traits Of Genital Warts That You Need To Know

If you have ever noticed soft growths on your genitals, you may have contracted genital warts. These warts are a sign of the sexually transmitted disease (STD) HPV, or the human papillomavirus. HPV is also noted as the most common of all STDs, and there are multiple types of complications that results from HPV. Fortunately, genital warts are not life-threatening and there are existing treatments that can help to manage this infection. Genital warts can spread through all methods of sexual activity, including vaginal, anal and oral sex. If you notice these soft growths on your genitalia that may cause discomfort, itching and pain, you may have contracted genital warts. Here are three things that you need to know about your genital warts.

Genital warts may not only appear on the genitals

Because HPV can be transmitted via oral sex, it is possible for genital warts to also appear in the mouth, lips, tongue or throat. It is also possible for them to appear inside or around the anus if HPV was contracted via anal sex. Because these warts may not always be visible to the human eye, you may not notice these warts until after they multiply or you feel itchy in those particular areas. Warts may not develop for several weeks or months after the initial infection. However, it is important to note that the infection generally does not result in warts spreading to other areas of the body. For example, a wart cannot spread from someone’s genitals to their hands and vice versa.

Genital warts may go away on its own

For some patients, genital warts are able to subside on their own. This can happen if complications do not develop with the warts. However, they may return over time, as HPV itself is able to linger in your skin cells. This means that it is possible to have several wart outbreaks over the course of your lifetime and that managing the symptoms when an outbreak happens is crucial. There are some medications that can help to relieve the painful symptoms of genital warts and they can be easily found at a wart removal clinic in Singapore. Generally, these are topical treatments that can be applied to the wart directly for pain relief. Should complications occur, the wart removal clinic may also arrange for a minor surgery to remove the warts, such as through excision, laser treatments or freezing of the warts.

Preventing genital warts

Fortunately, HPV vaccines are now available for common HPV strains that cause genital warts. Importantly, these vaccines can also protect against HPV strains that are linked to cervical cancer. In Singapore, these vaccines are available at STD clinics. In addition, using physical barriers such as condoms or dental dams during sex can also prevent the transmission and reduce the risk of contracting genital warts.


Genital warts are actually very common among sexually active people. As one of the most infectious STDs, HPV can easily spread. However, treatment can also be very easily sought. By visiting a warts removal clinic in Singapore, you would be able to seek the appropriate treatment for your genital warts.

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