Grow In Learning At Every Stage Of The IB Experience

One of the most effective curriculum is in IB. It stands for International Baccalaureate (IB). It is a series of educational systems that can meet the educational needs of children from the age of 3 to 19 years. This education system applies the curriculum broadly and encourages the mastery of balanced material, including concentration of learning in students and an emphasis on the global context. This system also stimulates students to become lifelong learners by having high enthusiasm for learning and empathy. A global scale research notes that IB schools are considered the most effective way to develop graduates thoroughly with the combination of curriculum resources beyond those provided by IB. This education system aims to develop students with a broad level of knowledge. In this case students who develop both physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically as it seen from the IB subjects list Singapore as the example.

This program also aims to increase motivation, confidence and educate students to express their opinions. In this system, students are encouraged to be able to apply what they learn to what is happening in the environment. This makes the teaching and learning system more contextual and personally meaningful to children. This system of students is also taught to study issues that are developing and how these issues have an impact on the world. Not only that. Students also learn to understand how these issues can be related to one another; allows students to develop mindsets and perspectives globally.

In its implementation the IB program is divided into 3 stages, namely:

  1. Primary Years Program (PYP): 3-10 years. There are five main elements in the curriculum, namely concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and actions. These elements are developed in six transdisciplinary ways: who and where we live, how we develop, the world operates, and we are involved in them, and coexist. The IB subjects list Singapore for this program are: language, social science, mathematics, art, science, personal, social and physical education.
  2. Middle Years Program (MYP): 11-16 years. Eight academic areas: mathematics, science, art, physical, first language and second language, humanity, and technology. Each is done in five ways: health and social education, society, environment, ways of learning, intelligence. International schools that adopt it are free to develop more curricula that fit the conditions of the school. Can choose one or teach everything in one field. Diploma Program: 16-18 years. There are six academic areas: mathematics and computer science, art, first language, science practicum, second language, individual and society. Developed through three main abilities: theory, creativity and action. Meanwhile in the next stage of IB will have different and more complex IB subjects list Singapore.
  3. Diploma Program (DP) : 15-19 years. In DP, there will be six important subjects like Language and Literature, Foreign Language, Math, Science, Art and Individuals and Societies.
  4. Career-related Programme (CP) 16-19 year. It will have subjects that are related to career, and two from DP courses and CP Core. It consists of language development, service learning, reflective project and personal and professional skills course.


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