How You Can Improve Your Korean Phrases & Its Pronunciation

Speaking the Korean language like a native is often a common goal for most language learners in the country. Gaining fluency in the language is not only beneficial in your work environment, but it will also contribute significantly to your social life with your Korean friends. However, misusing the honorifics would end up getting you on the wrong foot with elderly or high-status individuals in the society. Therefore, learning how to pronounce the Korean phrases correctly is not only a choice but a necessity for everyone taking Korean classes in Singapore. Below are different ways of perfecting your Korean pronunciation skills.

Practice Thoroughly
You are never going to learn any skill up to the mastery level without practice, and Korean language pronunciation is not exempt. Dedicate a significant amount of time to practising various confusing phrases until you can eventually get them right. You can also consider practising with a native friend who is willing to help you perfect your pronunciation skills. Frequent repetition of the Korean phrases, words, and sounds in your mind goes a long way in developing your pronunciation skills.

This is a common technique among the most successful language learners in the country. It is also ideal if you do not have any friends or native speakers to help you perfect your pronunciation. Shadowing involves listening to a native speaker and repeating everything on the audio file until you can master the pronunciation of each word. This will help you with intonation, accent and proper use of the honorifics. It is safe to look at the script that the speaker used before you can solely rely on your listening skills.

Slow Down
Most language learners will attempt to speak faster like their native counterparts only for them to end up making many mistakes by the end of one sentence. Therefore, consider dropping the need to talk like a native and learn proper articulation of words first. The speed that you use while speaking does not matter provided you are making enough progress on your pronunciation. Remember that speaking fast comes naturally after you have mastered all the important facts about a language, so you should not try so hard if you are still in your early stages of learning.

Sing Along to K-pop Tunes
K-pop tunes are not only excellent entertainment pieces, but they can work wonders for anyone trying to master the pronunciation of Korean phrases. All songs will use repetition as their key feature hence improving your chances of memorising intonation and rhythm of various words. You can consider downloading the lyrics of your favourite tunes to enhance your vocabulary and mastery of the language. You will be surprised by how much progress can make by just listening to your favourite K-pop tunes. You can start by listening to the song while reading the lyrics, and then try to sing along.

Learning the proper pronunciation of the Korean phrases should be easy as long as you have the right attitude and motivation to learn the language. There is a lot of learning content available online that will help you in your quest to improve your pronunciation of Korean phrases outside of the Korean classes in Singapore. You can also download some language apps on your phone to help you learn proper pronunciation from any location.

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